Synagogues and Prayer Rooms in Switzerland
There are numerous synagogues and Jewish prayer rooms in Switzerland with different orientations. Here is a list:
Aargau region
Margoa - Schweizerisches Israelitisches Alters- und Pflegeheim
Grabenstrasse 9
5426 Lengnau
+41 56 266 54 54
Fax: +41 56 266 54 55
Synagogue Baden
Synagogue Endingen
Synagogue Lengnau
Basel region
Chabad Basel
Synagogue IGB
Synagogue IRG Basel
Bern region
Synagogue Bern
Synagogue Biel-Bienne
Synagogue Delémont
Route de Porrentruy (no office)
2800 Delémont
Central Switzerland region
Chabad of Central Switzerland
Chabad Zug
Industriestrasse 16
6300 Zug
+41 41 361 17 70
Synagogue Lucerne
Fribourg region
Synagogue Fribourg
Geneva region
Chabad Genève
Avenue Théodore-Weber 12
Case postale
1208 Geneva
+41 22 860 86 13
Grande Synagogue Beth Yaacov
Place de la Synagogue
1204 Geneva
+41 22 311 48 14
Hekhal Haness - Synagogue Sefarade
Maison Juive Dumas
Avenue Dumas 21
1206 Geneva
+41 22 347 31 31
Synagogue de l'EMS Les Marronniers
Synagogue de la Communauté Juive Libérale de Genève
Synagogue «Machsikei Hadass»
Neuchâtel region
Synagogue of La Chaux-de-Fonds
St. Gallen region
Synagogue St. Gallen
Ticino region
Chabad Lugano e del Cantone di Ticino
Via Bertaro Lambertenghi 2
6900 Lugano
+41 91 921 37 20
Synagouge Lugano
Via Maderno 11
6900 Lugano
+41 91 923 56 98
Valais region
Synagogue Beit Yossef
Vaud region
Synagogue Montreux
Avenue des Alpes 25
1820 Montreux
Synagogue of Lausanne
Avenue Juste-Olivier/Florimont
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 341 72 40
Zurich/Winterthur region
Beis Midrasch Zichron Moische
Zelgstrasse 1 and 2
8003 Zurich
+41 43 817 22 70
Chabad Zurich
Chabad Zurich - Esra
Chassidei Bels
Weststrasse 151
8003 Zurich
+41 44 461 51 03
Chassidei Gur
Weststrasse 1
8003 Zurich
+41 44 242 38 99
Hugo Mendel Heim
Jeschiwe Ketane
Weststrasse 46
8003 Zurich
+41 44 450 16 54
Machsike Hadass
Anwandstrasse 59
8003 Zurich
+41 44 241 37 59
Minjan Brunau
Minjan Lavaterstrasse of the ICZ
Minjan Wollishofen
Seniorenzentrum SIKNA Zürich
Synagogue Agudas Achim Zurich
Synagogue ICZ
Synagogue IRG Zurich
Synagogue Or Chadasch
Synagogue Winterthur
Upon request (
8400 Winterthur
+41 52 232 81 36