Jewish Youth Movements in Switzerland
There are several Jewish youth movements in Switzerland in various cities and with different orientations. Here is a list:
Basel region
Bne Akiwa Basel
Emuna Basel
Leimenstrasse 24
4051 Basel
+41 61 279 98 50
Bern region
Dubim Bern
Geneva region
CCJJ Centre Communautaire de la Jeunesse Juive de Genève
Avenue Dumas 21
1206 Geneva
+41 22 317 89 08
Vaud region
CJJL Centre de la jeunesse juive de Lausanne
Avenue Georgette 3
1001 Lausanne
+41 21 341 72 48
Zurich/Winterthur region
Aguda Mädchengruppe Zürich
+41 44 463 80 33