«‘Lehre mich, Ewiger, Deinen Weg’ – Ethik im Judentum» is the first standard German-language textbook on Jewish ethics. It deals with various contemporary ethical issues from a Jewish perspective.
The textbook provides a comprehensive overview of ethical questions from a Jewish point of view. Seventeen renowned authors discuss a broad variety of topical issues such as genetic engineering, euthanasia, business ethics, sexuality and environmental protection from a Jewish perspective. This first standard German-language textbook on Jewish ethics was jointly published by the Central Council of Jews in Germany and the SIG. It can be used for teaching religion and ethics at schools and also offers guidance for adolescents and adults in general.
Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland/ Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (ed.) 2015: ‘Lehre mich, Ewiger, Deinen Weg’ – Ethik im Judentum, Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag.
Available via bookshops.