Position Papers and Statements
The SIG regularly states its position in political consultation procedures. With its position papers, it actively and extensively expresses its views on relevant themes in a wide variety of fields.
The SIG regularly takes part in the Confederation’s consultation procedures («Vernehmlassungsverfahren») by stating its position and opinions. At irregular intervals, the SIG issues position papers in which it presents detailed statements on issues of public interest, procedures, or items on the political agenda. Such statements and position papers cover a wide range of topics, including human rights and rights of immigrants and foreign residents, freedom of religion, antisemitism, racism and integration, security in general, as well as general ethical, social and political matters. Positions on topical issues and internal affairs are also published on the website and via social and other media.
Please note that most documents are only available in German and French. Please select your preferred language version on the website. Existing documents in English are listed below.
Vernehmlassung zur Kulturbotschaft 2025-2028
Die jüdischen Dachverbände SIG und PLJS haben sich gemeinsam an der Vernehmlassung zur Kulturbotschaft 2025-2028 des Bundes beteiligt. Die Stossrichtung wird begrüsst, insbesondere der starke Fokus auf das Kulturerbe als lebendigem Gedächtnis.