On its knowledge platform the SIG provides information and a series of publications on subjects such as Jewish religion, culture, history and the Shoah. The platform also offers school material for teachers and their classes.
The SIG wants to promote knowledge about Judaism in Switzerland. Under the heading «Factsheets», short and easily understandable information is provided on selected topics. These include Jewish religion, culture, history and the Shoah. The texts contained in the factsheets may be used or published in their entirety or in extracts, provided the source «SIG Factsheets» is named.
Offers with regard to prevention and conveying knowledge about the Shoah
In addition to the factsheets, the SIG also has specifically tailored material on offer for teachers and their classes. Teachers in the German-speaking part of Switzerland can benefit from a two-part course on the Shoah and methods of teaching about it in class. And the dialogue and education programme Likrat is designed to help make students more aware of Judaism and Jewish life.
Series of publications by the SIG
The SIG, as editor, issues a series of publications under the heading «Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in der Schweiz» (contributions to the history and culture of Jews in Switzerland). 19 volumes have been issued since 1992, together with a commemorative edition to mark the SIG’s 100th anniversary.