A number of reports relating to Switzerland are published on antisemitism and racism and on associated attitudes and incidents. Some appear on a regular basis.

The most relevant reports on antisemitic incidents in Switzerland are the antisemitism reports from the SIG and the GRA Foundation against Racism and Antisemitism on one hand, and from the Coordination Intercommunautaire Contre l’Antisémitisme et la Diffamation CICAD on the other.

Antisemitism report by the SIG and the GRA

The SIG publishes a report on antisemitism every year in collaboration with the GRA Foundation against Racism and Antisemitism. The report compiles and analyses the occurrence of antisemitic incidents in the German-, Italian- and Romansh-speaking regions of Switzerland, making it possible to evaluate antisemitism in the country.

To the report

«Antisémitisme Suisse romande» by the CICAD

There is also an annual report for the French-speaking part of Switzerland, «Antisémitisme Suisse romande» (Antisemitism in French-speaking Switzerland), which is published by the CICAD. It contains statistics and analysis of antisemitic incidents in the region, as well as recommendations for action.

To the report (in French)

«Erfahrungen und Wahrnehmungen von Antisemitismus unter Jüdinnen und Juden in der Schweiz» by the ZHAW

This study, published in 2020 by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW as «Erfahrungen und Wahrnehmungen von Antisemitismus unter Jüdinnen und Juden in der Schweiz» (Experiences and perceptions of antisemitism among Jews in Switzerland), details for the first time how Jewish people in Switzerland experience antisemitism. The ZHAW study provides an insight into the mood of the Jewish community in Switzerland, examining the way the problem is perceived and how people encounter and deal with antisemitism.

To the study (in German)

«Entwicklung von Antisemitismuserfahrungen unter Jüdinnen und Juden in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse einer Wiederholungsbefragung 2020 und 2024» by the ZHAW

«Development of experiences of antisemitism among Jews in Switzerland: results of a repeat survey in 2020 and 2024»

At the end of 2024, researchers from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW and the Haute école de travail social Fribourg HETS-FR conducted a survey among Swiss Jews on their experiences of anti-Semitism for the second time since 2020.

To the study (in German)

Monitoring reports on racism and racial discrimination by the SCRA

The Service for Combating Racism SCRA has been collecting and analysing data on racism and racial discrimination in Switzerland since 2010. Since 2012, it has published a monitoring report every two years summarising and categorising the information available in Switzerland. The aim is to recognise changes in the causes, extent and consequences of racism and racial discrimination. The monitoring is intended to provide the basis for a fact-based, effective anti-racism policy and targeted measures to combat racism and racial discrimination.

To the overview (in German, French and Italian)

«Discrimination in Switzerland» by the GRA and the GMS

The GRA and the Gesellschaft Minderheiten in der Schweiz GMS (Society for Minorities in Switzerland)publish an annual discrimination report for Switzerland. The report addresses discriminatory incidents and assesses various areas of discrimination.

To the report (in German and French)

«Rassismusvorfälle aus der Beratungsarbeit» des Beratungsnetzes für Rassismusopfer

Once a year, an evaluation report is compiled and published detailing cases of counselling and reported incidents of racism by the Beratungsnetz für Rassismusopfer (Counselling Network for Victims of Racism). Entitled «Rassismusvorfälle aus der Beratungsarbeit» (Incidents of racism reported during counselling), it is based on information held in the anonymized section of the DOSyRa database. When entering data, the cantonal counselling centres have to categorize their cases in accordance with an analytical grid, and the evaluation report is produced on the basis of this information.

To the report (in German, French and Italian)

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