SIG Publication Series
The SIG is the editor and issuer of a series of publications on the history and culture of Jews in Switzerland. 22 volumes have been issued since 1992, together with a commemorative edition to mark the 100th anniversary of the SIG.
The SIG has been issuing a series of publications entitled «Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in der Schweiz» (contributions on the history and culture of Jews in Switzerland) since 1992. The aim is to enhance knowledge and understanding of Jewish life in Switzerland. Topics covered include, for example, the history of Jewish communities in this country, the architecture of synagogues and the situation of Swiss Jews during the Second World War. The richly illustrated volumes trace historical developments and provide insights into the history, culture and living traditions of the various Jewish communities in Switzerland.
Obtaining individual volumes of the publication series
Volumes 8 (2002) to 19 (2021) and the commemorative edition «Jüdische Lebenswelt Schweiz - Vie et culture juives en Suisse» (2004) marking the 100th anniversary of the SIG were published by Chronos Verlag and can be ordered there. The other volumes can no longer be acquired through the book trade, but are available in numerous libraries.

Volume 22 | by Brigitta Rotach, Dölf Wild, Ron Epstein-Mil, Ehud M. Landau (ed.)
Frau Minne und die Zürcher Juden
Die mittelalterlichen Wandmalereien an der Brunngasse und ihr Kontext
2024, Chronos Verlag Zürich
Hardcover, 288 pages, 16 illustrations b/w, 100 illustrations colour
ISBN 978-3-0340-1769-5

Volume 21 | by Barbara Häne
«Ein Hilfswerk, das gewaltige Ausmasse angenommen hatte». Otto H. Heim und die jüdische Flüchtlingshilfe in der Schweiz 1935–1955
Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in der Schweiz
2023, Chronos Verlag Zürich
Hardcover, 544 pages, approx. 57 illustrations b/w
ISBN 978-3-0340-1715-2

Volume 20 | by Francine Brunschwig, Marc Perrenoud, Laurence Leitenberg, Jacques Ehrenfreund (ed.)
Albert, Esther, Liebmann, Ruth et les autres. Présences juives en Suisse romande
«Albert, Esther, Liebmann, Ruth and the others. Jewish presence in French-speaking Switzerland»
Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in der Schweiz
2023, Éditions Alphil, Neuchâtel
Hardcover, 600 pages
ISBN 978-2-88950-077-2

Volume 19 | by Angela Bhend
Triumph der Moderne. Jüdische Gründer von Warenhäusern in der Schweiz, 1890–1945
Triumph of the Modern. Jewish founders of department stores in Switzerland, 1890 – 1945
Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in der Schweiz
2021, Chronos Verlag, Zurich
Hardcover, 352 pages, 125 illustrations, colour and b/w
ISBN 978-3-0340-1585-1

Volume 18 | by Lea Bloch
«Ich glaubte ins Paradies zu kommen». Leben und Überleben des Flüchtlings Kurt Bergheimer in der Schweiz
«I thought I’d entered Paradise». Life and survival of the refugee Kurt Bergheimer in Switzerland
Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in der Schweiz
2021, Chronos Verlag, Zurich
Hardcover, 352 pages, 125 illustrations, colour and b/w
ISBN 978-3-0340-1585-1

Volume 17 | by Hannah Einhaus
Für Recht und Würde. Georges Brunschvig: Jüdischer Demokrat, Berner Anwalt, Schweizer Patriot (1908 – 1973)
For Law and Dignity. Georges Brunschvig: Jewish democrat, Bernese lawyer, Swiss patriot (1908–1973)
Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in der Schweiz
2016, Chronos Verlag, Zurich
Hardcover, 324 pages, 36 illustrations, b/w
ISBN 978-3-0340-1324-6